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An attacker pins you in place off balance with a jacket grab and punches to your face. Avoiding a struggle of strength, use your footwork to go around the outside of his strong arm for effective positioning to find his vulnerable ribs and fire off a piercing counter-attack.   Lesson 1   Step by Step […]
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押 虚 O-Kyo “Shove Feint” An aggressor grabs your left lapel and right sleeve and twists you into place for a forward shoulder throw. In old Japan, the right arm was usually the more dangerous one, and so getting inside and taking control of the arm was a common goal in any form of hand-to-hand […]
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弾 手 Dan-Shu “Bullet hand” Defense against sleeve grab and punch attack by going angularly off-line and capturing the adversary’s arm for a strike, kick, and wrist-lock take-down. Surprise the aggressor by moving with him to make his positioning his weakness. In a stand-off, an aggressor grabs your wrist or forearm or the cloth of […]
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弾 指 Dan-Shi “Bullet Finger” Defense against lapel grab and punch attack by going angularly off-line and capturing the adversary’s arm for a strike, kick, and wristlock take-down. Surprise the aggressor by forcing him to reposition and create his weakness. An aggressor grabs the cloth of your shirt or jacket and uses that to pull […]
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逆 流 Saka-Nagare “Reversing the flow” Defend against multiple punch and kick attack by going angularly off-line and capturing the adversary’s arm for a strike and wristlock take-down. Surprise the aggressor by snagging his attack to turn his moving limbs into his weakness. Practice riding an aggressor’s attacking movements as the means to create your […]
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胴 返 Do-Gaeshi “Torso overthrow” Defense against kneeling torso punch or lapel grab – Going around the problem to affect a solution from the outside. Practice defending from a compromised sitting position and rising into a counterattack.   Lesson 1   Step-by-Step From seiza, with toes tucked under for support, the attacker advances with a […]
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抗 抒 Ko-Yoku “Deny aggressor’s attack” Practice moving decisively into an aggressor’s attack at just the right moment. Move too soon, and he can retract his commitment and intercept you (or in a modern courtroom, you could be guilty of assault – “you started the fight!”). Move too late, and you will be fighting from […]
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抒 投 Yoku-To “Attack Throw-Back” Practice making decisions under pressure. There may not be enough time to recognize his technique, so you need a quick response capable of handling many possibilities. You will know what he is throwing at you only as the attack unfolds. With minimal information as to what is coming, you have […]
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