Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo introduces you to the concepts, principles, and techniques of a basic meditation practice. Learn how to gain clarity, focus, and achieve a calmness of mind that will help you reduce stress in your daily life.
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Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo introduces you to the concepts, principles, and techniques of a basic meditation practice. Learn how to gain clarity, focus, and achieve a calmness of mind that will help you reduce stress in your daily life.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Feel the energy in your body. Try this meditation when you need to feel more alive, awake, alert and aware.
An-shu gives a from-the-heart explanation and interpretation of training in spiritual protection power projection for martial artists, the ninja legendary Kuji Kiri. An-shu takes you through a step-by-step process for learning the mechanics of the ninja Kuji Kiri grid of 9 syllable slashes, setting you on the path of progress towards personally building protector power presence.
An-shu guides you through a meditation designed to help you be in the present moment.