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Training | Earth

Rolling Skills

Getting to the ground safely is an essential skill in any martial arts training program. Whether getting thrown in training, slipping on an icy sidewalk, or going to the ground in a fight, being able to roll is one of the most important things you’ll learn in To-Shin Do. In this course, James Kentoshi Norris takes you through all the rolling and ukemi skills needed on the way to a black belt.

Instructing Earth: Grabbing Attacks

This course covers grabbing attacks and limb restraints from the side and rear, as well as tackle takedowns. An-Shu Hayes and his instructors cover in depth technique details, drills, and target work, designed to give instructors tools to create dynamic earth level classes!

Ninja Lab

Imagine a kata to be a small antique box that has locks on the outside. The box is decorated and quite beautiful. Many people collect these boxes, each one being different from the others but still quite beautiful, and store them on a shelf called memory.

They will take a box off a shelf and look at it or clean it and then put it back up on the shelf. Sometimes they will take a sample of their boxes to a convention to show them off to others who have come to share and compare their boxes too.

Because these antique boxes are so beautiful most have never considered opening these locked boxes. But inside these boxes are the real gift, the boxes are just the wrappings.

Locked inside kata and techniques are the secrets of the martial arts. You can not just memorize kata if you want to be a martial artist, you have to experience them. Ninja Lab shows you how to use martial science to unlock the hidden concepts within and discover the martial arts.

Instructing Earth: Front Attacks

This course covers front striking attacks and limb restraints from the earth element. An-Shu Hayes and his instructors cover in depth technique details, drills, and target work, designed to give instructors tools to create dynamic earth level classes!

Explosive Stomp Kicks

The stomp kick is an important fundamental technique in the To-Shin Do Ninja martial arts arsenal. As with all things To-Shin Do the stomp kick has many variations and applications. This course will take you through the critical basics and key variations as well as scenario applications.

Breaking Balance

When an attacker has their balance they focus on harming you. When you take their balance they must focus on regaining it, leaving them vulnerable. Learn how to steal balance and take control.


Deceptive Takedowns

To-Shin Do Senior Master Instructor Mark Sentoshi Russo teaches you clearly the secrets of the Ninja Leg Trap. This incredibly practical and immediately applicable course provides sneaky, unexpected and easy-to-learn principles for good technique. The ninja leg trap is a must-have secret weapon for your self-defense arsenal.


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Flexible Weapon Snares and Captures

Master Mark Sentoshi Russo teaches you the essential principles of snares and captures using flexible weapons, such as the ninja kusarifundo.


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Safe and Realistic Training

Double your martial understanding in half the time. Learn to be a good uke (attacker). The role of the attacker is one of the most misunderstood aspects of martial arts training. This course teaches you how to be a realistic attacker and accelerate your learning with every punch you throw.


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Roots of Confidence

Foundations of Self Defense teaches easy-to-learn basics that can keep you safe from many common attacks on the street. Taught by 8th Degree Black Belt Master Mark Sentoshi Russo, this course will teach you the ninja secrets to body positioning, attack-stops, strikes, alignment, and kicks that work with your body’s natural movement rather than fancy athletic techniques. 1h 27m.

Kamae Postures

Kamae, or "posture", can take many forms. An-shu Stephen K. Hayes illustrates various ninja kamae and their applications in several self defense scenarios.
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Foundations of Self Protection

How to defend against the most common assaults on the street.

Foundations of Self Protection is designed to provide you with a grounding in effective physical, intellectual, and emotional self protection – and provide you with an exciting excursion into the potentials of empowering self development. You are starting a quest for knowledge and skill through the 5 elements of potential.

The Earth element theme is personal vision and strength. Your initial challenge is to build a foundation for growth, setting training habits and patterns to pave the way for the rest of your martial arts career. You will learn the to protect yourself from the twelve most common attacks on the street in today’s world, and practice this under pressure when you’re ready to.