Hombu April and October Curriculum
The Hombu dojo in Dayton, Ohio teaches these techniques and lessons in April and October of every year.
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The Hombu dojo in Dayton, Ohio teaches these techniques and lessons in April and October of every year.
This is what the Hombu is teaching during the months of February and August.
Here are the To-Shin Do foundational kata for the month of July, as taught in the Hombu Dojo in Dayton, Ohio.
This is the material that the Hombu dojo teaches in June and December every year.
This is what the Hombu is teaching during the months of March and September.
Here are the To-Shin Do foundational kata for the months of May and November, as taught in the Hombu Dojo in Dayton, Ohio.
Join senior practitioners Bryan Griffin, Scott Bragg, James Norris, and Hardee Merritt for a virtual workshop covering several knife scenarios and self defense options.
A series of workshops delivered remotely to live audiences in 2020.
Explore principles of leg and arm traps that can be used to escape situations in which the attacker has a superior position, these examples illustrate how to effectively uproot an attacker’s balance, greatly reducing their ability to throw effective strikes.
This course dives into the core concept of mindfulness, which is required to tap in to and master your Sanmitsu – thoughts, speech, and actions – which create your, whether you know it or not.
Would you like to develop your martial arts capabilities and increase all aspects of your fitness as well? Of course you would! This Ninja Self Defense course is broken into sections so that you can utilize it to work on skills and attributes appropriate to your current martial arts and fitness levels.
As you begin this training session you will immediately see and feel that this program is different than most other exercise videos that you’ve probably tried. There are so many attributes that we as martial artists and protectors need to develop. Two of the most important and under trained are Balance and Stability.
This hour-long training session gets you loose, warms you up, and delivers a high-intensity, high octane kickboxing workout that you can do with or without a heavy bag. Wrap up with a core strengthening finisher, cool down, and a long guided post-training stretch session that you can play and follow along with separately at any […]
This course will include a loosening up sequence that is great to use before any training session, a full-body warm-up, twenty-minute high-intensity kickboxing workout that could be done with or without a heavy bag, core finisher, and cool down and stretch recovery portion to leave you feeling great.
In this course we will guide you through utilizing one of my favorite and most affordable training tools, the Swiss, Physio, or Stability ball. As a tool the swiss ball provides us with an incredible training opportunity as every movement that we perform with it is a “core” exercise.