Ryu Tai Series Three
An-shu Rumiko’s third Ryu Tai yoga flow.
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An-shu Rumiko’s third Ryu Tai yoga flow.
Sankaku Jime or the Triangle/Three Sided choke is a very strong technique that is part of the To-Shin Do Ground Flow Kata. As a technique this choke is very powerful when applied properly but not at all effective if any of it’s details are omitted so it is critical for us to understand the intricacies […]
From Ninja Festival 2018 this Master Level Course takes a modern look, based on Ucan LIVE Safe, at the principles found in Santo Tonko no Kata from Togakure Ryu.
Welcome to SciTaiTech Aruki. SciTaiTech stands for science and taijutsu technology. In these courses we will apply the science and taijutsu principles from the Matrix of Martial Arts course to different skill sets. This course will look at Ninja methods of walking and movement.
Welcome to SciTaiTech Bojutsu. SciTaiTech stands for science and taijutsu technology. In these courses we will apply the science and taijutsu principles from the Matrix of Martial Arts course series to different skill sets. This course will look at bojutsu principles and bofuri.
Welcome to SciTaiTech Teaching Taijutsu. SciTaiTech stands for science and taijutsu technology. In these courses we will apply the science and taijutsu principles from the Matrix of Martial Arts course series to different skill sets. This course will look at teaching taijutu.
Ready and on our feet is the ideal place to be in a self-defense situation. However, life is good at throwing challenges at us at less than ideal times. This Seated Defenses course teaches several examples of how we can win, even from a seated position.
Set Side Foot is a concept that allows you to maintain kamae throughout all your movement whether striking, throwing or applying locks. Kamae is not a position to start from and then do techniques, it must be maintained the entire time while doing taijutsu. This course shows you how to set yourself to be in […]
All Kamae are Shizen No Kamae with an attitude. In this seminar you look at how the natural body position of Shizen No Kamae powers all kamae and movement. You learn how it controls all of your weapons, creates cover and even tells you when to strike naturally.
Any fight is two opposing energies coming together in conflict. At the highest levels, beyond just doing technique, the one who learns to embrace and control this energy connection will always be the winner.
Uki-gatame, or the “knee-on-belly” position strategies. Utilizing proper techniques and transitions to maintain positional dominance in a self-defense scenario that goes to the ground.
This is a powerful example of setting a trap for your opponent and springing to victory right when they are sure that you are beaten.
Historical weapons, like those today, had specific grips depending on their functional use. A naginata handle is different from that of yari for a reason. In this Sword Grip Seminar you will look at one type of sword grip and how your taijutsu improves immediately just by using it.
In this course, An-shu Stephen K. Hayes takes students through several examples of how to successfully break the form in order to win. Unarmed taijutsu, knife combat, and hanbo cane fighting are offered as examples of the concept of how to employ the special mind set of kata yaburi.
Join Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo as he dives deep into the four primary secrets that lead to mastery of taijutsu. Sentoshi is detailed, demonstrative, and deliberate in these extended explorations of each principle so you can build them into your training at the root level.