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The Two-On-One Knife Defense System

The “Two-On-One Knife Defense System”, as presenting it here, has evolved over the years as a series of connecting “hubs” that allow you to find reproducible positions that then allow you to take charge of an opponent’s knife wielding arm. As we’ve prepared our students year-in and year-out to prevail under stressful randori scenarios involving a knife it has become evident that we needed simple techniques that prevented our partners from being able to freely move their arm and pass the knife to their other hand. Furthermore, the techniques used needed to be completely familiar to the To-Shin Do practitioner so that they are easily implementable. This system is the result of that exploration.
2. Don’t Die
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
The first step in our system is “Don’t Die”. This stab response allows us to practice connecting to the knife arm and riding its energy ultimately to the appropriate defensive response. This content is only available to members.
3. Arm Bar from a Push
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Riding our opponent’s push into a standing arm bar/break. This content is only available to members.
4. Ate Nage from a Pull
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Riding the pull-back retraction of the knife stab into an “Ate-Nage” wrist break or throw. This content is only available to members.
5. Flowing from Arm Bar to Ate Nage
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Let’s link the Arm Bar to the Ate-Nage. This content is only available to members.
6. Forward Slash to Arm Bar
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
This entry is designed to respond to a “forehand” type of neck slash attack. This content is only available to members.
7. Backward Slash to Arm Bar
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
This entry responds to a “Backhanded” knife slash. This content is only available to members.
8. Arm Bar to Oni Kudaki and Omote Gyaku
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Two possible responses to an opponent’s counter to our Arm Bar technique. This content is only available to members.
9. Transition between Oni Kudaki and Omote Gyaku
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
This flow sequence further expands our options without adding any more techniques. This content is only available to members.
10. Defending Against a Downward Stab
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
This fourth and final attack, the downward stab, deserves it’s on set of strategies. This content is only available to members.
11. Linking Them All Together
Author: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Putting all of the techniques together in an infinite number of potential sequences allows you to let the attacker pick how he or she loses. This content is only available to members.
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