Developing Foundational Muscle Memory

Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo teaches you several drills that you can do on your own to build muscle memory around foundational concepts.
- Introduction to Fire Drills
- Basic Kosei Angling
- Fire Water Combination Kihon Drill
- Kosei Kihon Drill
- Osoto Gake Footwork
- Long Range Toe Kick Otoshi
- Deflection Palm Toe Kick
- Outside Fire Wedge Palm Strike Rear Leg Trap
- Inside Fire Wedge Shuto
- Inside Fire Wedge Ura Shuto Ganseki
- Blow Torch Straight Arm Solar Plexus Face Distraction
- Closing Comments
- 1. Introduction to Wind Solo Training Drills
- 2. Happa Ken Drill
- 3. Triple Happa Ken Strike Drill
- 4. Inside Windy Tessen Drill
- 5. Inside Windy Tessen and Ura Shuto Drill
- 6. Rolling Tessen and Shuto Drill
- 7. Inside Windy Wedge and Elbow Drill
- 8. Outside Windy Tessen and Windy Ganseki Nage Drill
- 9. Ura Oni Kudaki Drill
- 10. Omote Oni Kudaki
- 11. Otoshi Drill
- 12. Musha Dori Drill
- 13. Kyusu Drill
- 14. Closing Comments for Wind Drills
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