Before the first attack is thrown, you can pre-position yourself if you can recognize your attacker’s intentions. In this course, we will explore several techniques and strategies to minimize the damage your attacker can do to you and position yourself for success. To access this content, you must purchase To-Shin Do Training Subscription – Master […]
Alignment Opportunities
Before the first attack is thrown, you can pre-position yourself if you can recognize your attacker’s intentions. In this course, we will explore several techniques and strategies to minimize the damage your attacker can do to you and position yourself for success.
2. Arm Drag
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
The “arm drag” strategy allows you to slip outside and ultimately behind your attacker to buy yourself more time and space. To access this content, you must purchase To-Shin Do Training Subscription – Master Access, Monthly or To-Shin Do Training Subscription – Master Access, Yearly.
3. Rear Arm Cover and Musha Dori
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
The “Rear Arm Cover” is a strategy to slow an opponent’s attack down and set up the situation in your favor. Once the trap is sprung, “Musha-Dori” is used to de-fang our attacker and facilitate our takedown and escape. To access this content, you must purchase To-Shin Do Training Subscription – Master Access, Monthly or […]
4. Yoku To
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
Yoku-to is a kata in our arsenal that is especially useful when an opponent secures a grip on our collar. Check out this specific application of a likely familiar exercise. To access this content, you must purchase To-Shin Do Training Subscription – Master Access, Monthly or To-Shin Do Training Subscription – Master Access, Yearly.
5. Final Thoughts
Length: 0 minutesAuthor: Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt
If our awareness is developed enough to see trouble coming, we can set the stage in our favor. In self-defense, we aren’t looking for a “fair fight,” so let’s use every tool to ensure we make it home healthy and happy. To access this content, you must purchase To-Shin Do Training Subscription – Master Access, […]
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