Crushing the Attack - Part 2

Learn how to apply long-range strategy and technique to defeat an attacker’s punches. You will be guided through the details of timing, angling, distancing, and how to generate powerful counter-strikes.
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Learn how to apply long-range strategy and technique to defeat an attacker’s punches. You will be guided through the details of timing, angling, distancing, and how to generate powerful counter-strikes.
Counter striking an attacker’s punching arm is highly effective and unexpected. In this mid-range version of counter-punching the punch course you will study the specific details of protecting yourself while simultaneously delivering a punishing counter attack.
The stomp kick is an important fundamental technique in the To-Shin Do Ninja martial arts arsenal. As with all things To-Shin Do the stomp kick has many variations and applications. This course will take you through the critical basics and key variations as well as scenario applications.
The art of setting traps that attackers can fall in to, the concept of attacking from multiple and unexpected angles, and how to use kamae and alignment to find safe spaces when attacked.
When an attacker has their balance they focus on harming you. When you take their balance they must focus on regaining it, leaving them vulnerable. Learn how to steal balance and take control.
Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo introduces you to the concepts, principles, and techniques of a basic meditation practice. Learn how to gain clarity, focus, and achieve a calmness of mind that will help you reduce stress in your daily life.
To-Shin Do Master Instructor Mark Sentoshi Russo clearly teaches you the secrets of the Ninja Leg Trap called ashikake. This incredibly practical and immediately applicable course provides sneaky, unexpected and easy-to-learn principles for this must-have technique in your self-defense skills arsenal.
Master Mark Sentoshi Russo teaches you the essential principles of snares and captures using flexible weapons, such as the ninja kusarifundo.
This self-defense course focuses on proper fire elemental taisabaki (body positioning) for a minimum-effort, maximum-effect expedient end to this very common and dangerous attack.
This self-defense course focuses on proper fire elemental taisabaki (body positioning) for a minimum-effort, maximum-effect expedient end to this very common and dangerous attack.
Learn core fundamentals, exercises, strikes and defenses using the rokushaku bo (6-foot long staff). Master Russo explores the some of the possibilities available from Seigan No Kamae and breaks them down into easy-to-learn lessons.
Master Mark Sentoshi Russo teaches you how to develop your body’s natural flinch responses in scientific ways to defend against a surprise lead-cross combination attack.
Master Mark Sentoshi Russo teaches you the ninja secrets to body positioning, attack-stops, strikes, alignment, and kicks that work with your body’s natural movement rather than fancy athletic techniques.
To-Shin Do® 5th Degree Black Belt “Move Like a Ghost” teaches an amazing set of invisible movement escapes to overcome locks and throws commonly taught in many grappling martial arts.
Health and fitness are foundational cornerstones to a happy, fulfilling and productive life. These reasonable and effective 30-minute workouts will quickly have you feeling better in many ways.