Beginner Legs Workout

This conditioning program will not only dramatically improve your marital arts skills but improve your overall health and fitness, helping to prevent common knee and back problems.
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This conditioning program will not only dramatically improve your marital arts skills but improve your overall health and fitness, helping to prevent common knee and back problems.
Welcome to SciTaiTech Striking. SciTaiTech stands for science and taijutsu technology. In these courses we will apply the science and taijutsu principles from the Matrix of Martial Arts course to different skill sets. This course will look at striking.
The course is required for those who would like to become a Hombu-Registered Trainer or Instructor.
Learn how to use a hanbo (Japanese cane or short stick) to create chokes and painful disrupts to control balance, distract and disrupt, and ultimately subdue an attacker. Shihan James Kentoshi Norris takes you through the foundations of two important hanbo skills; choking and grinding.
Join senior ranking Shihan, Mark Sentoshi Russo as he takes you on a guided tour through the five elements of To-Shin Do – Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and the Void.
Learn how to use a hanbo (Japanese cane or short stick) to strike at a distance, to disrupt or put an end to an attack, and to protect yourself in close range situations. Shihan James Kentoshi Norris takes you through the foundations of two important hanbo skills; striking and shielding.
Learn how to use a hanbo (Japanese cane or short stick) to turn an attacker’s energy, or even their own skeleton, against them. Shihan James Kentoshi Norris takes you through the foundations of two important hanbo skills; how to create locks and how to create leverage.
Getting to the ground safely is an essential skill in any martial arts training program. Whether getting thrown in training, slipping on an icy sidewalk, or going to the ground in a fight, being able to roll is one of the most important things you’ll learn in To-Shin Do. In this course, James Kentoshi Norris […]
This course covers grabbing attacks and limb restraints from the side and rear, as well as tackle takedowns. An-Shu Hayes and his instructors cover in depth technique details, drills, and target work, designed to give instructors tools to create dynamic earth level classes!
Learn how to instantly transform your cell phone into an improvised weapon of self-protection. See how using good To Shin-Do Taijutsu makes this every day item an obvious choice.
Learning to deal with firearms is an important part of self-defense training. In this second in a series of gun defense courses, we cover examples of dealing with rear attacks, carjackings, and rescue situations when you don’t have a weapon of your own.
Learn how to apply long-range strategy and technique to defeat an attacker’s punches. You will be guided through the details of timing, angling, distancing, and how to generate powerful counter-strikes.
Learning to deal with firearms is an important part of self-defense training. In this first in a series of gun defense courses, we deal with front attacks when you don’t have a weapon of your own.
Counter striking an attacker’s punching arm is highly effective and unexpected. In this mid-range version of counter-punching the punch course you will study the specific details of protecting yourself while simultaneously delivering a punishing counter attack.
This course covers front striking attacks and limb restraints from the earth element. An-Shu Hayes and his instructors cover in depth technique details, drills, and target work, designed to give instructors tools to create dynamic earth level classes!